Module: Planning

Fast - Clear - Flexible

Are you looking to structure and optimize the daily processes in your company? DISPONIC manages numerous people at your property for you. DISPONIC takes variable work locations and different shift times into account for you. See who is currently available and who has the necessary experience, qualifications or property knowledge. This enables you to handle your task in operations management optimally: the daily special cases in the security industry require maximum flexibility in operations management. DISPONIC gives you an overview and 100% control.

Do you have questions about this module or would you like our experts to advise you on your individual solution? We are here for you!

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Your advantages

  • Comply with hourly limits
  • Consider earnings limits
  • Direct target and actual comparison
  • Misallocation at a glance
  • Customize views
  • Cross-month planning
  • Planning via multiple monitors
  • Consider qualifications
  • Observe rest periods
  • Avoid double planning
  • Assignment of permanent staff to the property
  • Recording of actual times
  • Staff calendar for an overview of vacation and sick leave
  • Recording of days absent
  • Employee suspension with reasons
  • Printouts in company layout
  • Schedules by serial mail save postage
  • Printing of employee ID cards in accordance with current legislation
  • Highlight special features in color
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